Pintrest Challenge: T-shirt to Tank Top

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Pinterest Challenge! T-shirt to tank top, which sounds like great because in my home, I’d say I have a 4:1 t-shirt to tank to tank top ratio. So when I first tried thus out, I chose one Imodium my oldest t-shirts and decided to snip snip away according to the picture. What I chose was a black shirt, and so it was kinda hard to see what I was doing. Judging from the picture, I cut out a scoop neck, and cut off the sleeves and it wasn’t quite looking right compared to the picture. I had to keep adjusting and fitting and repeat. Then I cut the back out, only it was hard to tell how low to cut it and how wide I needed to cut the shirt so this again was another estimated guess.
After cutting the bottom part off at an angle, I assumed that the very bottom stitched part of the shirt was used to wrap around the back to get the tank top appeal. When I was finished with the t-shirtsm to tank top, I wasn’t soo happy with the results. It ended up being really tight and the shirt looked like I was wearing a bib. Over all, I would try this again, only because I was kinda rushing and it was hard to see. And so when I am finished with my second attempt with this I will do another blog post about it.

Thanks for reading!

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